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5.2.2. Математические, статистические и инструментальные методы в экономике

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From Assessment of Organization's Financial Standing to Integrated Methodology for Analysis of Sustainable Development

т. 22, вып. 2, июнь 2017

Получена: 16.11.2016

Получена в доработанном виде: 22.11.2016

Одобрена: 01.12.2016

Доступна онлайн: 16.06.2017


Коды JEL: O12, Q01

Страницы: 123-143


Endovitskii D.A. Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation 

Lyubushin N.P. Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation 

Babicheva N.E. Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation 

Kupryushina O.M. Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation 

Importance The issue of sustainable development and sustainable growth of social product has been discussed by the international professional community since the second half of the 20th century. Nowadays, there is a need to develop key indicators characterizing both financial standing and sustainable development of organizations, and a methodology for their assessment.
Objectives The aim of the study is to review the problems related to the assessment of financial condition and analysis of sustainable development of organizations.
Methods The study draws upon general scientific principles and research methods, namely, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, grouping, comparison, abstraction, generalization, analogy, and modeling.
Results Sustainable development can be viewed as a process and as a state. As a process, the sustainable development of the organization has a time period, during which its characteristics change. The principal characteristic is a relative share of intensive factors in the revenue for the considered type of resources. It served as a classification criterion for evaluation of processes according to the golden ratio principle. We identify absolute, stable, unstable, and crisis types of sustainable development.
Conclusions and Relevance The analysis of organizations' operations is impeded by the lack of legal framework and available averaged values of indicators characterizing the financial condition by type of economic activity. It is important to develop analytical procedures that measure all types of capital of integrated reporting, the interactions between them, and the value of the entire business.

Ключевые слова: resource, intensive factor, financial standing, sustainable development, integrated reporting

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