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Distinctions of the Crowdfunding Model in Agriculture

т. 23, вып. 1, март 2018

Получена: 27.07.2017

Получена в доработанном виде: 21.09.2017

Одобрена: 18.10.2017

Доступна онлайн: 30.03.2018


Коды JEL: Q14

Страницы: 98–107


Filimonova N.G. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (KrasSAU), Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation 

ORCID id: отсутствует
SPIN-код: отсутствует

Ozerova M.G. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (KrasSAU), Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation 

ORCID id: отсутствует
SPIN-код: отсутствует

Ermakova I.N. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (KrasSAU), Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation 

ORCID id: отсутствует
SPIN-код: отсутствует

Importance The article studies organizational and economic aspects of crowdfunding intended to finance agricultural projects. We provide methodological recommendations for designing and implementing the crowdfunding scheme in rural areas.
Objectives We outline methodological recommendations for building a crowdfunding model to finance innovative and investment projects in line with sectoral distinctions of agriculture.
Methods The research is based on general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical and analytical data on performance results of crowdfunding platforms.
Results We unfold distinctions of the crowdfunding model applied to agricultural projects, and provide our advice on the way agricultural projects should be pitched.
Conclusions and Relevance Being a promising tool to raise the finance of innovative and investment projects in agriculture, crowdfunding has its sectoral distinctions to be considered in order to select a crowdfunding model and arrange project presentation stages. Our recommendations can prove useful for agricultural producers and other entrepreneurs to select an appropriate crowdfunding model of innovative and investment projects in agriculture.

Ключевые слова: crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, crowdfunding platform, crowdfunding campaign, farming industry

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