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Commercialization of results of the space activity: Global practices, challenges and promising areas

т. 24, вып. 2, июнь 2019

PDF  PDF-версия статьи

Получена: 08.06.2018

Получена в доработанном виде: 15.06.2018

Одобрена: 26.06.2018

Доступна онлайн: 28.06.2019

Рубрика: Инновации и инвестиции

Коды JEL: O14, O25, О32, O33

Страницы: 135–148


Makarov S.V. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS), Moscow, Russian Federation 

ORCID id: отсутствует
SPIN-код: отсутствует

Khrustalev O.E. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS), Moscow, Russian Federation 

ORCID id: отсутствует
SPIN-код: отсутствует

Subject The article discusses issues of reducing financial costs incurred by science-intensive and high-tech enterprises to engineer aerospace equipment and cut costs of various space services rendered through satellite technology. To accelerate the advancement of the aerospace production, Russia should reshape the industry by involving private business on an arm length's basis.
Objectives The study examines, adapts foreign practices, develop new comprehensive toolbox for effective integration of State corporations and private business.
Methods The proposed method is based on general scientific principles, comprehensive use of the systems analysis methodology, enhanced expert assessment technique revealing the efficiency and competitiveness of all science-intensive and high-tech enterprises.
Results To make the commercialization of various types of space activity more effective, we typified and classified space services from consumers' perspectives, show the outcome of a comparative analysis of national and international space markets through history and substantiate new form of cooperation between space and on-shore manufacturing sectors. The proposed techniques and tools reveal new trends in the commercialization of space services, effective generation of possible market formation alternatives, promising aspects of demand. They help evaluate their impact on space technologies and reciprocal effects.
Conclusions and Relevance The system studies of the space activity pursue the technological advancement of aerospace systems and more effective governance of Roscosmos entities and global expansion of the position and opportunities of the Russian aerospace industry by involving private businesses and commercializing space services.

Ключевые слова: space activity, commercialization, efficiency evaluation, financial costs, innovative project

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