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Syndicated Lending: Law Enforcement and Legislative Refinements

т. 26, вып. 3, сентябрь 2021

PDF  PDF-версия статьи

Получена: 21.01.2021

Получена в доработанном виде: 04.02.2021

Одобрена: 18.02.2021

Доступна онлайн: 30.09.2021


Коды JEL: E44, E52, G20, G21

Страницы: 261–267


Andrei L. BELOUSOV Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation 

SPIN-код: отсутствует

Subject. This article focuses on the development of the syndicated lending institution as the respective legal framework emerges.
Objectives. The article aims to consider problems of the development of syndicated lending in Russia and describe the main areas for further changes in the legal regulation.
Methods. For the study, I used logical and structural analyses, and functional analysis system and legalistic approaches.
Results. The article describes the essence, features and legal regulation of syndicated lending, and evaluates enforcement practices based on the new syndicated loan law. It also formulates key issues and identifies further areas for changing the legal regulation of syndicated lending.
Conclusions. The development of syndicated lending can significantly support large and medium-sized businesses in terms of job preservation, tax revenue growth, and business competitiveness. The findings can contribute to the theory of syndicated lending in the Russian Federation, and practical activities to suggest possible legislative and regulatory improvements in this area.

Ключевые слова: syndicated lending, consortium loan, syndicated loan contract, legal regulation, bankruptcy

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